NLP in Sports Performance Private Hypnotherapy Session

Athletes all agree that winning in sports and being the best in your chosen sport is what matters. Whether for personal gain or in competitions NLP in sports is an essential part of achieving your goal.

Roger Bannister was the first human to run the four minute mile, previously runners though out the World thought it was impossible. However Roger believed and therefore his mind was in the right mind set to achieve his goal. With a NLP Hypnotherapy session you can and will do the same.

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) offers many useful techniques that help all athletes perform better.

  • Discover your true potential and become the person you truly want to be
  • Become supremely self-competent as well as confident in achiving your goal
  • Control your emotions rather than let your emotions control you
  • Overcome your phobias, fears or anxiety Disorders
  • Generate instant motivation whenever you want it
  • Create empowering beliefs rather than limiting beliefs
  • Improve your communication and relationships with others
  • Improve your ability in your career, your hobbies and your interests and sport
  • Remove the self-imposed obstacles to learning in all areas of your life
  • Become more powerful in your communication and your approach to life
  • Use language with greater precision to achieve your goals
  • Model the excellence of inspiring people
  • All in all improve your skills and expertise in your professional or personal life

Our simple philosophy is about achieving the outcome that you want.


The text below are from emails and written phone conversations from my clients. I have had their full permission to place these calls on my site.


There is a definite difference in the boxer - my trainer Rick is very impressed and will certainly send more people along to you. C - Manchester


I did the 10k run and ran it my fastest time ever, thanks. PD - Manchester, came for sports performance


Hi David,

Thought I’d let you know I won my fight on Thursday night. Thanks for you help. J - Manchester, Boxer



Call NOW to book your FREE Consultation or Hypnotherapy session/course and start living the life you deserve today:


07973 481 786



NLP is an ideal way to easily and successfully achieve your sporting goal.